Kick seasonal allergies to the curb

Seasonal allergies can impact productivity, incur expenses, and affect overall well-being. Allergies also raise the risk of conditions like asthma. The immune system, responsible for fighting infections, can lose tolerance to harmless substances, leading to allergic reactions. Treatments range from medications and immunotherapy to lifestyle adjustments and supplements, but consulting a healthcare provider is crucial.

Build resilient relationships

Stephanie Davis, a registered clinical counselor, defines resilient relationships as flexible and communicative, where partners prioritize effective communication and mutual support. She advises seeking professional help and practicing healthy communication. Davis also suggests exploring alternative therapies and avoiding the “blame game” to build relationship resilience. By Isabela Vera.

Motivate your family to take care of their hearts

Couples and social circles influence heart health. Showing healthy habits is more effective than telling. Involving friends and family in healthy choices leads to lasting results. Group exercise increases motivation and commitment. Friendly competitions and shared rituals promote movement. Focus on increasing healthy behaviors. Consult a healthcare professional before taking heart-healthy supplements.

External stresses affect heart health

Cardiovascular health is impacted by personal habits and environmental factors such as air pollution, pesticides, and microplastics. These factors can exacerbate heart conditions, making it crucial to mitigate exposure. Tips include using natural fabrics, avoiding microbead products, and checking air quality.