Tips To Improve Your Mood And A Whole New Reason To Prioritize Sleep

You can tap into the power of serotonin to transform your mood, motivation levels, and overall well-being. Who couldn’t benefit from that these days? Serotonin is a feel-good hormone, known as a neurotransmitter, that helps ensure we’re motivated, have balanced moods, and feel good about life. Boosting low serotonin levels is one of the keys…

Purify Indoor Air With These Plants

Plants are magical. Well technically, it’s science, but either way, they’re pretty incredible. With winter fast approaching, we will be spending more and more time indoors. This is a perfect time to consider some indoor plants to help keep the air clear of toxins—perhaps at your workstation? Torpedoing toxins Of course, houseplants aren’t the only…

Dream A Little Dream With These Sleep Tips

Are you awake more often than you would like, especially during these stressful times? Here are tips to help you decide if you’re doing everything right to get your best night’s sleep, as well as the latest on supplements for dreamland. Make Sleep A Priority Organizations have developed numerous sleep hygiene tips to help you…

Live–and age–with purpose

Does it feel like life is zooming by? Instead of focusing on living longer, let’s take a closer look at living purposefully. Research shows that engaging purposefully as one ages can elongate one’s life and may lower the risk of cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s. Purpose is a preventive health measure! For insight, four 60+ folks shared…