Be Fabulous At Every Age

Nearing 50 can be our “second act,” redefining our relationships, careers, and health. We’re living better than ever, and we want to look as good as we feel. For real wisdom on beauty and aging, here’s some advice from women in their fifties and sixties, and tips for aging with happiness and health. Taking control…

7 Caregiving Tips When Your Loved One Has Cancer

A cancer diagnosis can leave friends and family unsure of how best to support a loved one. Are there topics that shouldn’t be broached? What if the wrong thing is said? These suggestions may help you to help a loved one through a cancer diagnosis. 1. Listen This simple—but powerful—suggestion underpins any other piece of…

Tips for Menopause

Menopause and post-menopause are important times in a woman’s health. Changes in hormone levels lead to challenges in heart health, bone health, mood and more. Here are some tips to help manage menopause and make the most of life. Vitamin D, omega-3, hormones Estradiol, an estrogen hormone, is essential to reproductive, bone, heart, and kidney…

Vitamin D: A Vitamin Superhero

No matter how you slice it, vitamin D carries a heavy load when it comes to nutrient health. Maintaining healthy vitamin D levels in the body just makes sense. Here are several of the many reasons why: Vitamin D reduces urinary tract symptoms We now know that vitamin D is a hormone, with cell receptors…

Environmental Detox: take in the good and clear out the bad

Daily exposure to environmental toxins affects our health, but by taking some practical steps we can reduce our toxic load and support our bodies’ natural detoxification processes. What’s an environmental toxin? Environmental toxins are chemicals or other factors that may cause adverse health effects in the people exposed to them. These toxins can be found…